Sunday 9 September 2012

North Saskatchewan Fishing, Love it!

  The north Saskatchewan river is quite literally my favorite place outside of Edmonton to go fishing. It's just a small 45 minute drive, but it feels so secluded, and it's in a valley so you feel completely separate from the busy city life. I generally try and head out there every weekend or day off work. There is so many different species of fish in there, it's such a rush not knowing what you're going to reel in!

  Fishing this river I have tried a few methods, and found using a pickerel-rig is the most effective, and relaxing. For those of you who don't know what a pickerel-rig is, it's 2 springs  spread a few inches apart, with 2 bait hooks on either side. It's so relaxing tossing your line out there, sticking it in the mud, and setting up a lawn chair just waiting for that rod to bend.

  I usually head out there with one of my buddies Matt, and it's always such a good time. There is days we've been out there for literally 12 hours because we've had so much fun! The bait we bring is minnows and worms. With the amount we've gone, we kind of know what were trying to fish for with the bait we use. When using minnows, we're usually probably going to catch goldeye, or jack, Worms you get walleye and bottom feeders.

  We have encountered a few other fishers at the spot we go to, and a few of them tell us that the Alberta record for Walleye was caught in the spot we go to, now if that's not something to fish for I don't know what is! Also another fisher told us he caught a sturgeon in there a few years ago, that's awesome! Would love to try and pull a sturgeon out of there, and hopefully will one day, and I'll be putting it on here in a hurry!

   We usually come out of fishing that river with some good stories. This one time we were out there all day, so of course we were getting hungry, but were stupid and didn't bring any food. So we set up a fire, and decided the next fish we catch is dinner. We literally had nothing to cook it with other then beer, so what we did is cut 2 empty's and made make-shift frying pans with cans! Cooked it while drizzling beer on it for flavor, it was awesome! Actually a very good meal.

  The guy on the right here is Matt. He's fuckin hilarious! We always have such a funny time when were fishing, it's an adventure on it's own. We usually set up 4 rods cause your aloud 2 to a person, and we just wait till they get one and run over to each one. This one time I caught one on one rod, was reeling it in, so my other rod went. Matt sprints over to it, and eats shit in the mud, falls right into the river, was fucking funny. Matt get's fairly frustrated with me because I always catch a lot more then he does :P But hey what can I say.

  If you guys have never fished the NSR, I really want you to go give it a shot, it's such a great way to burn some time, and have chances at some good fish! It's a perfect place :)

Happy fishing guys!

Weekly Photo, god fishing girls are hot..

                            Nothing better then a blonde in a bikini spinner fishing... Nice. Submit your photos for the week and hopefully you can get something up!

Sunday 2 September 2012

Lac St.Anne, Awesome Walleye Fishing!

  Wicked fucking trip with 2 of my boys out here on a little aluminum boat, was a fuckin blast! 23 walleye I think we got? All pretty good sizes! Was an all around sick day, and Ill tell you guys how to have a good time on that lake too, show you some pics, and tell a couple funny ass stories that happened.

  Well let's start off by saying, we didn't need much to make this trip a hell of a time, Brought a tin of minnows, bunch of beer, and our rods with some jig hooks, set up with a couple weights. All in all, it was a pretty inexpensive, 6 hours of awesome fun. Personally all I used was a jig head, no weights, and a minnow on the end of my hook. It seemed more like they were going for the color green more then anything.

  I reeled in the first one after a couple spot switches and some waiting, it was pretty slow going for the first hour or so, but fuck did it pick up! Our strategy was to drop the line till it hit the bottom, then reeled up a foot or so. It took a few spot switches till we found a nice little in-cove that was pretty deep. This is the key to Walleye. Considering this is a lazy, stupid species. the don't usually move around much, so there not costantly swimming around looking for shade like some fish. Boats on the other hand, are great because after everything settles, fish tend to be attracted to the shade it creates! Anyways, so after we finally hit a good spot, I hit the first 3 fish, this got my buddies mad because they didn't even have a nibble, or they did and didn't set it properly. That's always one good way to distinguish a good fisher from a bad one. Using the same set-up, you'd assume everyone would have an equal chance, wrong. It's the guy that actually jigs his bait (either lifting the rod or pulling the line slowly back and forth) to attract the fish. Also once a bite happens, you have to set the hook, if you don't the fish can spit it out! That's why when you watch fishing shows and shit, you see them just heave on there rod when they get a bite.

 After a little while, everyone started catching them, it was awesome! I love taking people out and seeing them catch fish, teaching them how to do it properly and them coming through, and being super happy about it! It's awesome. Anyways funny story about this trip, my buddy Ty, this guy on the right here, is a pretty smart guy, and loves to up me in everything we do. So after I was beating him in the fish count he'd had enough of it and started to pay 100% attention. He had this strategy of "Nibble, Nibble, Bite". It was hilarious, he wouldn't set the hook until he'd had at least 2 nibbles, no matter what the circumstance. So this one fish bites his hook, and as he's slowly saying NIBBLE, NIBBLE, his rod is already so bent because this fish took his hook and was trying to swim away, but noooo, Ty has to wait till the end of him saying nibble to set it. By that time the fish had spit his hook out already!

 Chris, on the left, was the funniest because he didn't know how to tie his hook properly, or set a hook, so he was losing lures and fish every fucking time, it gort to the point where Ty and I decided to help him out. I was considered the netter/hook remover on the boat, because most people are afraid of there sharp as fuck fin they have on their back that they stick up, but one time they both had a fuckin fish, and while im helping Chris get his fish out, Ty decides instead of just waiting for me, to heave the fish out of the water as hard as he can. Well turns out I WAS IN THE MIDDLE and got clocked in the fuckin head by this fucking 3 pound walleye. They had a good laugh about it.... It was pretty funny though looking back at it.

 But all in all, it was a fucking great day, Ty and I tied the fish count at 9 a piece, and Chris clocked in at 5. It was a great few hours out on the boat! I think Ty caught the biggest one, it was super fat, it was near the end of spring, so it's possible it was a pregnant female, but it was huge in weight!

  I have most of the pics of the fish I'll put in a gallery or some shit later on, but yea, A tin of minnows, a couple jig heads, and some beers and that turned out to be one hell of an afternoon! Great fucking fun. If you guys can get out to Alberta Beach for some fishing, it's awesome! Send some pics if you do! or tell me some stories, James outty, Happy fishing!

Deep sea fishing, what!?

 Sup guys, James here, today i'm gonna tell you guys about by fishing adventure off the coast of Bermuda. It was unreal, and if you guys ever are on a tropical vacation, you totally should do the deep sea adventure, it's off the hook(I'm so punny). But for reals, this was one of the best times fishing i've had, reeling in 65 pound tuna is fucking SICK. Luckily I was out there with my uncle, and it was his buddies boat. Im gonna run you through what happens and shit, show you some pics.

  First of all when I got on this boat I really had no idea what to expect, I mean I've seen all the fishing shows and shit where they do it, but being on the boat, seeing how HUGE these hooks and jig set ups they were using were, I thought we were fucking whale hunting or something. We drove about 45 minutes off the shore full speed into the open ocean, I was so jacked! Once we finally got to a good spot, this guy on the boat tossed 4 lines in the water, and we started trolling. The rods have to be super spaced out, because the Tuna we were fishing swim in packs, and if all 4 rods go it is fucking hectic. Luckily the most we had were double headers, but it's still a shit show.

 So after trolling for about 10 minutes, and a few beers down, all of a sudden one of the rods just snaps, and the reel starts going fuckin nuts! The speed of these fish we were catching is unbelievable, This super loud high pitch squeal of the line zipping out! Was awesome. The guy that set up the rods quickly rushes over to it, locks the line, and gets my cousin to sit in this seat. The seat has a rod holder in it, so you just sit there and heave on the rod and reel in. While my cousin is getting set up the owner of the boat has to quickly reel all of the other rods in because crossed lines are way to much to handle in this situation. My cousin was sitting there reeling in this fish for a good 10 minutes, exhausting himself, finally he gets it to the edge of boat, it was a long skinny fish, called a Wahoo. It was a big looking fish, bigger then anything I've ever pulled out of fresh water, I'd say it was about 5 feet long, mean looking thing. Right when it gets to the waters edge, the guy on the boat swings this hook spear thing at it, catches it in the side, and heaves it onto the boat, then clocks it over the nugget with a metal bat a few times, this part got funny, cause you have to hit these fish a few times, and pretty hard.

  So boom, first fish, nice. Guy sets all the rods back out, next ones mine! I was sitting there patiently for the first 10 minutes, anxious to catch a fish, and it started to die down. I was talking with everybody, having a few beers, then BAM! The line starts zipping out, BAM, the rod adjacent to the first one starts going. DOUBLE HEADER! The guy starts frantically running to each rod locking it, I quickly get in the chair as he brings me the first rod, my uncle straps on this belt thing with a rod holder on it. Just as the guy was bringing my uncle his rod, SNAP, This super load snap, like rope, his line broke. And this is fucking tough line, like 100 lb test or some shit. But no worries, I still got mine :P What a fucking rush this was, HEAVING it with all my strength then reeling as quickly as a could lowering it towards the ocean, just repeating this action for about 15 minutes!

  Finally I get this bitch out of the water, fuck was it huge, it was damn near the size of me when the guy finally pulls it into the boat. What a fucking rush though man it was awesome. So anyways about 30 minutes go by, and the guy on the boat says let's start chumming. At the time I hadn't a clue what that was but it sounds fun. Now what this is, is when you put a piece of fish on the end of this huuuge fucking hook, and you let the line out with your hand slowly, and they throw a bunch ofother fish in there as kind of a bait to get all the fish around us. Awesome, I thought to myself, trolling is cool and everything but this gives me the feeling of I actually get to do something, makes it feel like you caught the fish yourself kinda thing. Anyways so my brother and I get to do this, so were sitting there, letting the line go out slowly, I'm jerking mine a little bit to give it more of an edge. All of a sudden SNAP! My line damn near rips my fucking fingers off the line hit so hard. My rod actually bent over with full slack the rod hit so hard! The guy grabs the rod, tries to tighten the line... SNAP, not a fucking chance, whatever this was that took my line was huge. I was thinking to myself, "Fuck yea". All of a sudden, RIGHT next to the boat, a 16 ft tiger shark surfaces. HOLY SHIT, the shear size of this thing was enough to scare the shit out of you. The guy on the boat was yelling at us all to look, because it's the biggest one he'd ever seen. When something that big and predatorial is next to you... doesn't matter if it's in the water or not, its a fucking aerie feeling.

  A couple hours go by, my brother, cousin, and uncle all have a go at it, everyone brings in a fish. Mine was the biggest ;) 67 pound tuna, they got like 65, 53, I can't remember, all I know was mine was the biggest, and I caught a fucking tiger shark... Right? Anyways, get up on shore, and this guy grabs one of the fish and cuts it up RIGHT there on the dock for us, gives us a full cooler of amazing, fresh, beautiful fish! God what else could you want. Well that was my crazy deep sea fishing adventure. If you ever have the chance to do this shit, I strongly urge you to do it, its awesome! Oh but before you do, make sure to take a couple gravol, that boat rocking out there in the water, mixed with drinking is never a good mix! anyways James outie, send me some pics or your story of a deep sea fishing trip! Would love to hear them! Happy fishing! 

Weekly Photo, Hot chicks fishing!

  Nice :) this is my new phone background by the way. Will be bringing out sweet pics like this every couple days, and at the end of the week have a winner for submitted pics!

Random guy I found that ties the common Knot

This is the most common, and easy to do Knot, takes practice to be quick, but this is VITAL information needed to fish.

Lets get started

  Alright guys, James here, hopefully I've got your attention now and some you fucks are wanting to get out there but have NO clue how to get started, or some of you are just waiting for some funny shit to be posted can you love talking and reading about fishing. If your one of those guys, just chill, that will be coming. But right now lets get a community started!

What do I need to get Started? 
  Ok, so new fishers, lets say you have fuck all, you've fished when you were a kid and kind of liked it, or you had a shitty childhood and you've never held a rod, whatever. First you need to take a trip to canadian tire, or wal-mart, or a sporting goods store and pick yourself up a spinning rod and reel combo. It doesn't have to be expensive, but make sure you don't grab a kids button push one or something dumb like that. Usually a decent rod reel combo comes with little tackle box with some shit in it, and generally any of them are good for multi-species fishing. Anything will do.

  Alright now you got a rod and reel combo, hopefully it came with some tackle (when I say tackle, it's what you call lures, jigs, hooks, weights, bobbers, ect.) If it didn't don't stress, lets get you set up. So depending on what your going to fish for really depends on the kind of tackle you want. But figuring your new at it, let's assume your heading down to a locally stocked pond, which usually means trout. For trout fishing, I usually end up setting up a bobber, a couple small weights, and a bait hook with my special bait that ALWAYS works in stocked ponds, cheese ;) So if you standing in the store trying to figure out what to get to start, (Generally they have a little starter kit somewhere anyways) but grab some hooks, weights of different varieties, a couple bobbers. Thats pretty much all you need to start, stocked trout ponds are use to being fed, so a non-moving bait is attractive to them, because they're dumb.

 Now you got your rod and reel, and your tackle! What's next? Well for me, it's always a case of beer and a lawn chair! Fishing is super relaxing and all that shit, but getting tipsy and hanging out with a friend with a rod in the water is what sells people on fishing to begin with, hell I've gotten some hot chicks along fishing by just telling them were sitting there drinking, and they always end up having fun anyways!

Got my shit, Looking at this pond, now what?

  Technically you can just go sit anywhere on the shore line, set up a stick so your rod can stand up straight, cast it out there and watch, (which still is a great time with the right people and booze), but lets assume you actually are heading down there to catch some shit. My locally stocked pond is this tiny little man made lake, and there's some decent rainbows in there, but I have found some spots better then others. It does take some time and maybe a little research those spots, but there is some key things to keep in mind when setting up shop.

  Since your new, and want to make the best out of your trip, try and look for the area with the least amount of weeds. There is nothing  more frustrating then losing hooks, weights, and bobbers, and other shit you just bought cause you get it caught on something and you just heave on it till it breaks. Other then it being a little less weedy of an area, try and find a place in the shade, for you AND the fish, fish like to keep cool too, so make sure your out of the sun cause that sucks too! So lets say there's a couple weedless areas, and some trees in a few spot that look good, the next thing you want is a deeper area. Like I said before, fish like to keep cool. So the deeper you are the better.

Well now I got you set up, happy casting mother fuckers! And if there is some newbies that took my advice, send some pics! Would love to see a couple dumbasses catchin shit and having a good time! Any other questions just shoot em my way, would love to answer them! Happy Fishing!

Welcome to Fishing Made Awesome!

  Sup everybody, James here. Welcome to my new blog about my new favorite past time, fishing! Now lets get shit started on the right foot, I'm not a huge pro traveling the world making bank off of the sport, but I fucking love it! I have for a few years now, but I haven't taken it as seriously until a couple of weeks ago, and now I think I should collaborate my creative mind, with my new love, and fire up a blog!

  The direction I'm thinking of heading with it? I don't really know yet. First off I'm gonna run through some of my adventures, (and there's some funny shit), some stuff I use and have grown to love, and why I think some of you guys might enjoy it as much as me.

  Lets start with a bit about me, I'm 21, and work a seasonal job and get rainy days off, which is awesome to capitalize on some fishing time >:) I live in Alberta, Canada, and love the fishing out here. Although I have fished a lot in BC, and had a wicked deep sea fishing experience out in Bermuda, it was sick. So after the first few blogs of a few of my trips and shit, most of the blogs will take place here. Right now my favorite type of fishing is Jack (Northern Pike), because they put up a hell of a fight, and can get fucking Huge! Walleye, trout, and bass are also a pretty fun fight too, but so far Jack have totally been my favorite, and there everywhere!

  A few people out there might be on the fence about fishing, or just thinking to themselves, "How is this young kid so into this shit?" And to tell you the truth, It's such a damn good adrenaline rush when that bobber goes down, or the bell rings, or you feel that fish hit and your rod bends down to the water, WOOO its such a fucking good feeling! If you have never tried it and think you might want to, read this, check out some pics, and I'll be putting videos and shit up for you newbies to get started. To be honest, this sport can be as cheap or as expensive you want it to be. You can buy a rod-reel combo at Wal-Mart for like 20.00$, and most of them come with some tackle! That's more then you need to get hooked on it, (of course you need to grab a lawn chair, and some beers) and head out to a local trout pound, grab a buddy! Makes for a hell of a day.

  Well if I've collected a few of your guys attention, get the fuck out there and catch some fish! I'll be doing cool shit like weekly and monthly contests of funniest fishing pics, biggest fish, Best stories, funny stuff like that, make sure you guys keep up!