Sunday 9 September 2012

North Saskatchewan Fishing, Love it!

  The north Saskatchewan river is quite literally my favorite place outside of Edmonton to go fishing. It's just a small 45 minute drive, but it feels so secluded, and it's in a valley so you feel completely separate from the busy city life. I generally try and head out there every weekend or day off work. There is so many different species of fish in there, it's such a rush not knowing what you're going to reel in!

  Fishing this river I have tried a few methods, and found using a pickerel-rig is the most effective, and relaxing. For those of you who don't know what a pickerel-rig is, it's 2 springs  spread a few inches apart, with 2 bait hooks on either side. It's so relaxing tossing your line out there, sticking it in the mud, and setting up a lawn chair just waiting for that rod to bend.

  I usually head out there with one of my buddies Matt, and it's always such a good time. There is days we've been out there for literally 12 hours because we've had so much fun! The bait we bring is minnows and worms. With the amount we've gone, we kind of know what were trying to fish for with the bait we use. When using minnows, we're usually probably going to catch goldeye, or jack, Worms you get walleye and bottom feeders.

  We have encountered a few other fishers at the spot we go to, and a few of them tell us that the Alberta record for Walleye was caught in the spot we go to, now if that's not something to fish for I don't know what is! Also another fisher told us he caught a sturgeon in there a few years ago, that's awesome! Would love to try and pull a sturgeon out of there, and hopefully will one day, and I'll be putting it on here in a hurry!

   We usually come out of fishing that river with some good stories. This one time we were out there all day, so of course we were getting hungry, but were stupid and didn't bring any food. So we set up a fire, and decided the next fish we catch is dinner. We literally had nothing to cook it with other then beer, so what we did is cut 2 empty's and made make-shift frying pans with cans! Cooked it while drizzling beer on it for flavor, it was awesome! Actually a very good meal.

  The guy on the right here is Matt. He's fuckin hilarious! We always have such a funny time when were fishing, it's an adventure on it's own. We usually set up 4 rods cause your aloud 2 to a person, and we just wait till they get one and run over to each one. This one time I caught one on one rod, was reeling it in, so my other rod went. Matt sprints over to it, and eats shit in the mud, falls right into the river, was fucking funny. Matt get's fairly frustrated with me because I always catch a lot more then he does :P But hey what can I say.

  If you guys have never fished the NSR, I really want you to go give it a shot, it's such a great way to burn some time, and have chances at some good fish! It's a perfect place :)

Happy fishing guys!

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