Sunday 2 September 2012

Deep sea fishing, what!?

 Sup guys, James here, today i'm gonna tell you guys about by fishing adventure off the coast of Bermuda. It was unreal, and if you guys ever are on a tropical vacation, you totally should do the deep sea adventure, it's off the hook(I'm so punny). But for reals, this was one of the best times fishing i've had, reeling in 65 pound tuna is fucking SICK. Luckily I was out there with my uncle, and it was his buddies boat. Im gonna run you through what happens and shit, show you some pics.

  First of all when I got on this boat I really had no idea what to expect, I mean I've seen all the fishing shows and shit where they do it, but being on the boat, seeing how HUGE these hooks and jig set ups they were using were, I thought we were fucking whale hunting or something. We drove about 45 minutes off the shore full speed into the open ocean, I was so jacked! Once we finally got to a good spot, this guy on the boat tossed 4 lines in the water, and we started trolling. The rods have to be super spaced out, because the Tuna we were fishing swim in packs, and if all 4 rods go it is fucking hectic. Luckily the most we had were double headers, but it's still a shit show.

 So after trolling for about 10 minutes, and a few beers down, all of a sudden one of the rods just snaps, and the reel starts going fuckin nuts! The speed of these fish we were catching is unbelievable, This super loud high pitch squeal of the line zipping out! Was awesome. The guy that set up the rods quickly rushes over to it, locks the line, and gets my cousin to sit in this seat. The seat has a rod holder in it, so you just sit there and heave on the rod and reel in. While my cousin is getting set up the owner of the boat has to quickly reel all of the other rods in because crossed lines are way to much to handle in this situation. My cousin was sitting there reeling in this fish for a good 10 minutes, exhausting himself, finally he gets it to the edge of boat, it was a long skinny fish, called a Wahoo. It was a big looking fish, bigger then anything I've ever pulled out of fresh water, I'd say it was about 5 feet long, mean looking thing. Right when it gets to the waters edge, the guy on the boat swings this hook spear thing at it, catches it in the side, and heaves it onto the boat, then clocks it over the nugget with a metal bat a few times, this part got funny, cause you have to hit these fish a few times, and pretty hard.

  So boom, first fish, nice. Guy sets all the rods back out, next ones mine! I was sitting there patiently for the first 10 minutes, anxious to catch a fish, and it started to die down. I was talking with everybody, having a few beers, then BAM! The line starts zipping out, BAM, the rod adjacent to the first one starts going. DOUBLE HEADER! The guy starts frantically running to each rod locking it, I quickly get in the chair as he brings me the first rod, my uncle straps on this belt thing with a rod holder on it. Just as the guy was bringing my uncle his rod, SNAP, This super load snap, like rope, his line broke. And this is fucking tough line, like 100 lb test or some shit. But no worries, I still got mine :P What a fucking rush this was, HEAVING it with all my strength then reeling as quickly as a could lowering it towards the ocean, just repeating this action for about 15 minutes!

  Finally I get this bitch out of the water, fuck was it huge, it was damn near the size of me when the guy finally pulls it into the boat. What a fucking rush though man it was awesome. So anyways about 30 minutes go by, and the guy on the boat says let's start chumming. At the time I hadn't a clue what that was but it sounds fun. Now what this is, is when you put a piece of fish on the end of this huuuge fucking hook, and you let the line out with your hand slowly, and they throw a bunch ofother fish in there as kind of a bait to get all the fish around us. Awesome, I thought to myself, trolling is cool and everything but this gives me the feeling of I actually get to do something, makes it feel like you caught the fish yourself kinda thing. Anyways so my brother and I get to do this, so were sitting there, letting the line go out slowly, I'm jerking mine a little bit to give it more of an edge. All of a sudden SNAP! My line damn near rips my fucking fingers off the line hit so hard. My rod actually bent over with full slack the rod hit so hard! The guy grabs the rod, tries to tighten the line... SNAP, not a fucking chance, whatever this was that took my line was huge. I was thinking to myself, "Fuck yea". All of a sudden, RIGHT next to the boat, a 16 ft tiger shark surfaces. HOLY SHIT, the shear size of this thing was enough to scare the shit out of you. The guy on the boat was yelling at us all to look, because it's the biggest one he'd ever seen. When something that big and predatorial is next to you... doesn't matter if it's in the water or not, its a fucking aerie feeling.

  A couple hours go by, my brother, cousin, and uncle all have a go at it, everyone brings in a fish. Mine was the biggest ;) 67 pound tuna, they got like 65, 53, I can't remember, all I know was mine was the biggest, and I caught a fucking tiger shark... Right? Anyways, get up on shore, and this guy grabs one of the fish and cuts it up RIGHT there on the dock for us, gives us a full cooler of amazing, fresh, beautiful fish! God what else could you want. Well that was my crazy deep sea fishing adventure. If you ever have the chance to do this shit, I strongly urge you to do it, its awesome! Oh but before you do, make sure to take a couple gravol, that boat rocking out there in the water, mixed with drinking is never a good mix! anyways James outie, send me some pics or your story of a deep sea fishing trip! Would love to hear them! Happy fishing! 

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